Cargo (2018)

Martin Freeman stars in this Netflix exclusive zombie film, and it's definitely worth a look.  Based on a short film of the same subject, it's been turned into a very well produced full feature.  Cargo is a film that is much more focused on the human drama aspect, with the zombie virus outbreak being the backdrop of the film.  The film is set in Australia which gives the movie wide open desolate look that reminds me of a similar zombie film The Dead (2010) which was set in Africa.  The human drama with zombies reminds me also of another similar film with Maggie (2015), where the zombie virus is treated more like a natural disaster.

Cargo stars Martin Freeman as he tries to survive the zombie virus outbreak with his family in the Australian outback.  The virus is more of a menace itself in this than the actual zombies, as the film treats the subject with a slight bit more realism.  People don't just transform due to plot convenience, and it's treated like an actual disease with symptoms.  Don't expect all kinds of gore and hordes tearing people apart as the zombies are not that threatening and used sparingly here.  Dread is used more here than any type of jump scares or cheap tricks, and when the horror comes you know it's coming.

Bilbo is not a fan of this adventure
The movie definitely is one that greatly benefits from Freeman's performance.  The struggles he has to go through with his family and his interactions with other survivors he comes across is so well done.  It's a breath of fresh air to see folks who don't all act like idiots because society has broken down and it's time to go all Mad Max.  There is much not explained about what's going on in the world, but we get enough to tell the story presented here.  The Australian setting also helps provide a unique atmosphere to the movie.

How it feels waking up on a Monday
Cargo is nothing unique and it's not going to blow folks away, but it's a solid film.  Don't go in expecting zombie hordes, loads of gore, or intense action.  This dark drama is refreshing among the countless zombie flicks out there.  Taking the genre seriously is something that I love to see and Freeman doing a quality horror film like this is a treat.


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