Are We Not Cats (2016)

Oooo something artsy.  I like art... and cats.

Wow.  Such Romance.  Much creep.

So yea..... huge NOPE on this film.  Are We Not Cats is barely a horror film, even though it's described as a "body horror" film.  Really any time a movie is called "body horror", you should probably be cautious.  No this is a romantic movie about sleazy weird people who have questionable hygiene habits, bang, and pick at their scabs stuff like that.  And worst of all, there is no fucking cats in this movie.

Watch in terror... this...... what..... ugh

So what makes this movie creepy or horror?  Just nasty people being disgusting I guess?  There is a moment of horror I guess when you realize these peeling weirdos are eating each others hair?  So yes spoiler warning, but the whole movie's climatic outcome is about a girl who eats too much hair and gets a friggin hairball that the sorta boyfriend has to cut out of her.  She then makes art with her hair ball and they live happily ever after.

Fuck this movie.


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